Team Coach, Visual Facilitator, Founder of OsanWe et Co-founder of Facilit'ON
Workshop: Graphic Bootcamp
It’s time to roll up your sleeves and grab your markers… and let’s start drawing!
Follow my intensive Graphic Bootcamp to discover and experiment the power of graphic facilitation. You will discover how to visually level up your communication, your personal notes, your ceremonies, your team retrospectives…
After this workshop, you’ll be transformed and ready to add visual thinking in your Agile life!
This workshop is for 20 persons.
Pre-requisite : Drawing like your 3 year old self! All beginners are welcome.
You will:
- learn sketchnoting, graphic recording and graphic facilitation fundamentals.
- be able to draw nice posters to facilitate your meetings and ceremonies and raise their performance.
- be able to add visuals to share product vision and backlog.
This workshop is about practicing graphic facilitation and get confident when using drawings in our daily Agile life. The best service you could offert a team during a ceremony or meeting I to grab the marker and capture what's happening.
Speaker biography
Viviane became a hot air balloon pilot when she was 19 years old. She then graduated as an engineer in Innovation Project Management. She’s been supporting teams for about 20 years!
As a PMP project manager serving teams wishing to organize their processes, Viviane discovered the expansive power of collaborative platforms. Product Owner for a collaborative project management online software, she worked together with an UX/UI Designer to set the user at the heart of the software design.
As an Agile coach serving teams wishing to put people at the center of interactions, Viviane discovered the power of collective intelligence
It’s in 2021 when her team became the French hot air balloon champion that she recreated her first company, Osan We with the will to hybridize her two passions: Team coaching and ballooning!
Today as a certified team coach and skilled facilitator, Viviane creates tailor made seminars around her hot air balloon to help teams enhance their performance through cooperation. She uses her experience has a balloon pilot to share some insights on how to pilot your team through uncertainty with agility!
With her graphic facilitation skills, Viviane also helps team to visualize the big picture of their ecosystem, organisation, challenges… so that solutions comes easily to life through cooperative high value workshops.
Her company Osan We (Osanwe is Tolkien Elfe´s language which is only possible if you are ready and in good conditions to listen) is a network of experts in team coaching, facilitation and graphic facilitation. They organize tailor made seminars, workshops and trainings to create the perfect team spirit! Their favorite tools are visuals, serious games, codevelopment, agile coaching and many others that they’d be pleased to present you.
In 2015 Viviane founded a French open and self organized community, Facilit'ON (https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/FacilitON/) around Facilitation for every person (beginners or advanced) who wants to reach performance in collective teamwork.
Team Coach, Visual Facilitator, Founder of OsanWe et Co-founder of Facilit'ON
Workshop: Graphic Bootcamp
It’s time to roll up your sleeves and grab your markers… and let’s start drawing!
Follow my intensive Graphic Bootcamp to discover and experiment the power of graphic facilitation. You will discover how to visually level up your communication, your personal notes, your ceremonies, your team retrospectives…
After this workshop, you’ll be transformed and ready to add visual thinking in your Agile life!
This workshop is for 20 persons.
Pre-requisite : Drawing like your 3 year old self! All beginners are welcome.
You will:
- learn sketchnoting, graphic recording and graphic facilitation fundamentals.
- be able to draw nice posters to facilitate your meetings and ceremonies and raise their performance.
- be able to add visuals to share product vision and backlog.
This workshop is about practicing graphic facilitation and get confident when using drawings in our daily Agile life. The best service you could offert a team during a ceremony or meeting I to grab the marker and capture what's happening.

"You can turn any difficulty into an opportunity to succeed!"
Speaker biography
Viviane became a hot air balloon pilot when she was 19 years old. She then graduated as an engineer in Innovation Project Management. She’s been supporting teams for about 20 years!
As a PMP project manager serving teams wishing to organize their processes, Viviane discovered the expansive power of collaborative platforms. Product Owner for a collaborative project management online software, she worked together with an UX/UI Designer to set the user at the heart of the software design.
As an Agile coach serving teams wishing to put people at the center of interactions, Viviane discovered the power of collective intelligence
It’s in 2021 when her team became the French hot air balloon champion that she recreated her first company, Osan We with the will to hybridize her two passions: Team coaching and ballooning!
Today as a certified team coach and skilled facilitator, Viviane creates tailor made seminars around her hot air balloon to help teams enhance their performance through cooperation. She uses her experience has a balloon pilot to share some insights on how to pilot your team through uncertainty with agility!
With her graphic facilitation skills, Viviane also helps team to visualize the big picture of their ecosystem, organisation, challenges… so that solutions comes easily to life through cooperative high value workshops.
Her company Osan We (Osanwe is Tolkien Elfe´s language which is only possible if you are ready and in good conditions to listen) is a network of experts in team coaching, facilitation and graphic facilitation. They organize tailor made seminars, workshops and trainings to create the perfect team spirit! Their favorite tools are visuals, serious games, codevelopment, agile coaching and many others that they’d be pleased to present you.
In 2015 Viviane founded a French open and self organized community, Facilit'ON (https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/FacilitON/) around Facilitation for every person (beginners or advanced) who wants to reach performance in collective teamwork.