Gael Rebmann



Organizational Architect at Kanban Québec

Potemkine Leadership: les meilleurs leaders sont-ils les pires ennemis de leur entreprise?

Certains leaders sont fantastiques, vraiment! D'autres paraissent incroyables mais sont en fait de véritables dangers pour leur entreprise... On les appelle des Leaders Potemkine. Apprenons ensemble à les reconnaître et à les transformer en véritable atout, au-delà des simples apparences.

Les participants repartiront avec un moyen simple de détecter les Leader Potemkine ainsi que des techniques pour les transformer en leaders vraiment utiles pour leur entreprise.

Speaker biography

As a seasoned Coach and Organizational Architect with over a decade of experience, I've had the honor of guiding diverse companies across Europe and North America on their transformative journey towards more efficient and human-centric operations. My creative approach not only benefits my clients but has also earned me the privilege of presenting captivating conferences in prestigious venues across Canada, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Join me as we explore the dynamic intersection of innovation, organizational design, and leadership, uncovering the keys to fostering success in today's ever-evolving business landscape.

Expertise: I specialize in helping clients design and maintain optimal organizational structures, fostering happiness for both customers and employees. To do so, my focus is on streamlining processes, workflows and flows of value to ensure the most effective and efficient product development. I also empower leaders at all levels by encouraging them to ask better questions and gather high-quality data for informed decision-making.



Organizational Architect at Kanban Québec

Potemkine Leadership: les meilleurs leaders sont-ils les pires ennemis de leur entreprise?

Certains leaders sont fantastiques, vraiment! D'autres paraissent incroyables mais sont en fait de véritables dangers pour leur entreprise... On les appelle des Leaders Potemkine. Apprenons ensemble à les reconnaître et à les transformer en véritable atout, au-delà des simples apparences.

Les participants repartiront avec un moyen simple de détecter les Leader Potemkine ainsi que des techniques pour les transformer en leaders vraiment utiles pour leur entreprise.

Gael Rebmann

"If something doesn't work, do something else. If something works, do more of it. Don't mix these two sentences though!"

Speaker biography

As a seasoned Coach and Organizational Architect with over a decade of experience, I've had the honor of guiding diverse companies across Europe and North America on their transformative journey towards more efficient and human-centric operations. My creative approach not only benefits my clients but has also earned me the privilege of presenting captivating conferences in prestigious venues across Canada, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Join me as we explore the dynamic intersection of innovation, organizational design, and leadership, uncovering the keys to fostering success in today's ever-evolving business landscape.

Expertise: I specialize in helping clients design and maintain optimal organizational structures, fostering happiness for both customers and employees. To do so, my focus is on streamlining processes, workflows and flows of value to ensure the most effective and efficient product development. I also empower leaders at all levels by encouraging them to ask better questions and gather high-quality data for informed decision-making.

ATL 2025 agenda (1)

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